Dual Opterons don't see all memory

Erich Dollansky oceanare at pacific.net.sg
Wed Sep 26 20:57:41 PDT 2007


Eric Osterweil wrote:

> make use of it's 6GB of memory, and FreeBSD can only see about 4GB of it.
> Can anyone help me figure out how to make use of the missing GB?
> FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Jan 12 11:05:30 UTC 2007

this looks like a 32 bit binary to me.

You either need a 64 bit binary or you need to enable PAE.

Just build a custom kernel for 64 bits.

> real memory  = 4227792896 (4031 MB)
> avail memory = 4139991040 (3948 MB)


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