anyone have a favorite laptop?

ronggui ronggui.huang at
Tue Sep 25 23:02:32 PDT 2007

Asus works well too.

2007/9/25, Steve Franks <stevefranks at>:
> The freebsd laptop page is a nice resource, but it's a bit heavy on
> specifics (i.e. I have a laptop I want to install on), not so good
> generally (want to buy a laptop).  So anyone have realworld advice?
> I'm not against something used in the 1GHz+ range.
> <I have a compaq that is %#&*!^$.  The pcmcia will not work, the
> ndiswrapper for the broadcom panics, etc.  So, compaq is right out
> (the've always maintained their poor reputation, no?) - so compaq is
> out.  Seems gateway has an equally bad rap>
> Thanks,
> Steve
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Ronggui Huang

Department of Sociology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Department of Public and Social Administration, CityU, HK

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