Is your Thunderbird OK?

Pollywog lists-fbsd at
Mon Sep 24 08:45:15 PDT 2007

On Monday 24 September 2007 07:19:49 Byung-Hee HWANG wrote:
> Hi there,
> Just been wondering about this for long weeks. I have some complain
> Thudnerbird's the speed when it start up on FreeBSD. Its speed is very
> slow. While thunderbird start up, I go to brew coffee. Aside from that,
> Thunderbird is the best MUA, indeed.

I have not noticed this speed issue with Thunderbird.  I use kmail for the 
most part but now and then some mail is not visible in kmail and appears to 
be just headers with no message body, and in those cases I use Thunderbird to 
read those emails that I can't see in kmail.  Thunderbird comes up as fast as 
kmail does.  The only problem that I do have with Thunderbird is that it 
sometimes says that I have the maximum number of connections (I use IMAP) 
open.  kmail never says that.

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