reboot on problem
Mikel King
mikel.king at
Fri Sep 21 08:33:00 PDT 2007
On Sep 21, 2007, at 10:56 AM, Aleksander Rozman - Andy wrote:
> Hi !
> I am running FreeBSD as server. Thing is working great, there is
> only one problem. Sometimes machine looses connection to
> internet... Which is quite a problem, since this computer is on
> remote location, which I only access once a week or less. I would
> need application (or something), which would check if computer can
> connect to gateway, in case that it can it would do nothing, but in
> case it can't it would make soft reboot...
> Is there anything that I could achive this with? Any idea is
> welcome... Please cc: message to my private address (reply all
> should do this)
> Thanks in advance
> Andy
You could write a shell script to check the connection at a set
interval and take corrective action should it encounter a problem.
Mikel King
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