Which knobs do I use to control BDB use in MySQL-server port?

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Wed Sep 19 19:57:18 PDT 2007

In the last episode (Sep 18), Aliya Harbouri said:
> Building the databases/mysql50-server Port, I see (they'er all in
> Makefile, yes?) my choices for knob-settings in make.conf are:
>   WITHOUT_CSV=true
>   WITHOUT_NDB=true
> Turning INNODB on/off is clear.
> But I haven't been able to grok how to
> (1) Turn OFF use of BDB completely.  The build seems to default to the
> bundled BDB

Mysql 5.0's configure script doesn't seem to have a --without-bdb flag,
so it always gets built. 
> (2) Use the Port install of BDB v46 I mentioned above.

It does have a --with-berkeley-db=DIR flag, so you could add that to
CONFIGURE_ARGS to force an external bdb to be used instead of the one
bundled with mysql.  Note that the bdb engine has been removed from
mysql 5.1, so you should think about moving any bdb tables you might
already have to innodb.  Development on the bdb engine pretty much
stopped once innodb was available.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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