Hard drive RPM

jekillen jekillen at prodigy.net
Wed Sep 19 19:06:54 PDT 2007

On Sep 19, 2007, at 6:07 PM, Rob wrote:

> Derek Ragona wrote:
>> Run the manufacturer's diagnostic utility to check the drives speed 
>> and performance.  Most of these utilities also give you the drive 
>> model and serial number as well.  Look for a self-booting version 
>> that is a cd-rom ISO, these usually run FreeDOS to easily access the 
>> hardware from a cd-rom boot image.
> I'd suggest the "Ultimate Boot CD" here:  
> http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/
> It's a bootable ISO image with all the major disk mfgr's diags and 
> other good stuff, ready to go.
>   -RW
Thanks for both these responses.

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