mixer levels on boot

Rob r17fbsd at xxiii.com
Mon Sep 17 13:22:12 PDT 2007

Harry Doyle wrote:
> however whenever i reboot the machine the mixer command always shows the
> default level of 90 which clips pretty hard.

My 6.2 system saves and restores the mixer settings across boots.  Apparently in the file /var/db/mixer0-state   However, the file is root owned and 644;  perhaps if you create the  file and chmod it writable, your settings will stick?

Or you could put the command in your script.  "mixer -S" dumps the current settings in a format mixer can read back.  I do this in a script that dribbles music on hold to our phone system:

mixer_default="vol 45:45 pcm 40:40"

# Call mixer command to set params specified in conf file, or defaults.
set_mixer() {
  if [ -f $home_dir/mixer.conf ]; then
    mixer `cat $home_dir/mixer.conf`
    echo "set mixer.conf params"
    mixer $mixer_default
    echo "set mixer default values"


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