mount_ntfs as normal user

Zbigniew Komarnicki cblasius at
Sat Sep 15 02:05:35 PDT 2007

On Friday 14 of September 2007 22:02:06 Mel wrote:
> The ls didn't list a setuid (you would see -r-sr-x-r-x), I would expect it
> to for this behavior to occur. I have no idea how this is possible and
> would see it as security risk if you're not the only user of the machine.

Yes, of course. 
Thank you again Mel.

Maybe somebody else have this same behavior as I have with ntfs?

I install FreeBSD 6.2 on my second machine and then I have this same problem 
with ntfs. This was a clean install, so I suppose that problem with ntfs is, 
or ... I dont known what is wrong.

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