CDRW Stopped Working Moving to 6.x

Predrag Punosevac punosevac at
Fri Sep 14 18:11:46 PDT 2007

Mel wrote:
> On Friday 14 September 2007 00:16:46 Predrag Punosevac wrote:
>> I forgot to tell you assuming that you will do it your self
>> Just add
>> link acd0 cd0
>> but you have to use cd0.
> This is very bad advice, please don't ever do that. acd0 and cd0 are quite 
> different devices under the hood.
> (posted for the googling masses)
I am retracting what I said big time. Mel is 1000% right. I personally 
needed to access my ATAPI device through SCSI so that I can burn
a DVD. My idiotic statement is wrong way to do it.

Actually I had in my devfs.conf edited as it is outlined in the section 
18.6.9 of the Handbook.  Since I got error for DVD burn I posted a 
message and somebody pointed out that since
 I was running generic kernel  I had to add atapicam_load="YES" into my 
After that I followed the example from section  18.7.3 to burn DVD and 
everything worked perfectly. Letter that day I used
K3b to burn a few music CDs. I was following the direction from the 
Handbook and from FreeBSD-Gnome documentation to do that.

I apologize to everyone for my spam mails. I will think twice before I 
post some stupidity again.
In particularly, I apologize to the sender of original message for ill 

Predrag Punosevac 

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