Hey, you have a new Greeting !!! (exploit for Win32)

Bob Middaugh bob.middaugh at comcast.net
Wed Sep 12 08:10:02 PDT 2007

Just an FYI

If you're on a win32 machine, and read your mail in HTML, don't open this as it will execute a .pif file ( win32 PE, portable executable) that wants to put sup.bat in your /system32 to do something undesirable...haven't figured that out yet.

If you read in plain text, you'll see this link:  http://members.lycos.co.uk/patacftp/postcard.pif

Don't click on that either.

We're blocking .pif at the SMTP gateway.

This is what symantec says when I scan it:
Scan type:  Manual Scan
Event:  Threat Found!
Threat: IRC Trojan

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Greetings.com <Greeting at Greetings.com>
>    Hello friend !
>    You have just received a postcard Greeting from someone who cares
>    about you...
>    Just click [1]here to receive your Animated Greeting !
>    Thank you for using www.Greetings.com services !!!
>    Please take this opportunity to let your friends hear about us by
>    sending them a postcard from our collection !
> References
>    1. http://members.lycos.co.uk/patacftp/postcard.pif
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