harassing cdrecord on FreeBSD-6.1-R amd64

Predrag Punosevac punosevac at math.arizona.edu
Mon Sep 3 16:07:50 PDT 2007

luizbcampos at gmail.com wrote:
> Dear Sirs
> I tried to write  a new CD by using K3b and it found just its image. It's
> not able to find a suitable driver. When I type "cdrecord -scanbus" the
> output is the ditto CDrom followed by its adress 1,0,0...what should I do?
> Regards
> Luiz
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Before start using fancy tools just try to burn from the command line 
with cdrtools.  Everything is
explained in section 18.6 of the Handbook.

To get K3b working you must edit permissions?

Did you edit devfs.conf file?

own       /dev/acd0   root:operator
perm      /dev/acd0   0666

link acd0 dvd
link acd0 rdvd
perm    cd0     0666
perm    xpt0    0666
perm    pass0   0666

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