My questions about freeBSD

Björn König bkoenig at
Mon Sep 3 10:36:15 PDT 2007


> Robustness:
> -	Does FreeBSD offer Load-Balancinglike Piranha, with the standard
> packages? This can be supported be clustering software or by dispatching
> service requests to different instances of the same server.
> -
> -	Does it offer Failover with the standard packages? This can be
> supported be clustering software or by dispatching service requests to
> different instances of the same server.

FreeBSD doesn't support clustering.

> -	Is it possible to make a persistent image of the status of the
> running OS? This is needed to freeze the system and late continue
> computation with the same internal state.


> -	Is it possible to set the maximum allowed system resources for
> any process? To support real time system, some kind of partitioning or
> resource ensurance is needed.


> Security:
> -	What security mechanisms does free BSD offer on the network and
> data link layer? In target solution the security of the other layers
> (transport and application) are handled by the running applications and
> the middleware.

A lot. What do you need?

> -	Availability, Acess Control and Integrity are important. What
> does FreeBSD offer to support these kinds of security?

> -	Is there a way to ensure Non-repudiation on a FreeBSD system?
> The system is security critical and might handle credit card information
> and other data to identify persons. Is it possible to link this data to
> user action on the OS level?

Everything is possible if you employ competent developers.

> -	Are tools provided for browsing audit trails?
> -	Are security violations automatically logged?
> -	Is it possible to add custom monitors to the standard auditing?
> -	Are tools provided to create from auditing trails custom
> reports?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Depends on what you expect.

> -	Is it possible to audit all transaction of the system or specify
> what transaction to audit?


> Support:
> -	Is there commercial developer support for freeBSD available?

There is no official commercial support for the standard distribution, but
there are many companies that develop embedded solutions with FreeBSD.
Most likely these companies offer support for their FreeBSD-based

> -	Do freeBSD drivers for ARINC 429 exist?
> -
> -	Do freeBSD drivers for the CAN bus exist?
> -
> -	Do freeBSD drivers for ADFX exist?

Maybe somebody out there wrote such drivers. Probably closed source. I
don't know. At least they are not part of the standard distribution.


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