BSDs support for NTFS read-write (using ntfs-3g)

Caio Figueiredo Abecia caioabecia at
Tue Nov 27 10:34:00 PST 2007


This week I have tested NTFS-3G in Freebsd (pc-bsd) with success.
It's quite simple.

I'm busy at the moment but I'll reply this e-mail more late with the 
step-by-step to make NTFS-3G works if you want.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry McAllister" <jerrymc at>
To: <williamkow at>
Cc: <freebsd-questions at>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: BSDs support for NTFS read-write (using ntfs-3g)

> On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 05:33:24PM +0800, williamkow at wrote:
>> I am newbie of FreeBSD and I have been trying to learn other O/S and I
>> have chosen OpenSUSE and using it for quite some time, would like to try
>> others, example FreeBSD, PC-BSD or DesktopBSD. Before anythings, I do
>> some reading and found out that the read-only support for NTFS
>> partition, see
>>  (at
>> the "Technical Information" section)
>> However, the NTFS partition is still important for me with read/write
>> access by any new O/S, due to my main storage of my data files are in
>> NTFS partition (external harddisk) that will then be connected to other
>> computer (Microsoft Windows). Could you please advise me whether the
>> ntfs-3g command can be (ported) used in BSDs for read-write access to
>> NTFS. Thank you.
> Someone on the list claimed good success just yesterday or the day before.
> Check in the questions archive.    So far, I have only used NTFS in
> read only on FreeBSD, but if the ntfs-3g works it could be just what
> you want.
> ////jerry
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