who wrote this

Ted Mittelstaedt tedm at toybox.placo.com
Mon Nov 26 22:13:03 PST 2007

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at freebsd.org]On Behalf Of Jerry
> McAllister
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 9:26 AM
> To: eBoundHost: Artur
> Cc: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: who wrote this
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 10:58:08AM -0600, eBoundHost: Artur wrote:
> > >On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 03:23:56PM -0600, eBoundHost: Artur wrote:
> >
> > No Jerry, you misunderstood my point.  I'm not talking about
> which quotes
> > go into which list.  My complaint is about how that web page is
> structured,
> > and that its wording should be reworked.
> No, I didn't misunderstand it.   You don't like the way they are
> describing
> which goes in to which list.   The current wording is saying that it does
> not specifically belong on the offensive list just because it come from
> an offensive person.   I, not too tongue-in-cheek suggested some other
> examples who might be used in place of the 'hitler' name that could
> categorize something coming from an offensive source but not necessarily
> belong in the offensive list merely because of the source.
> Actually, I think the original page wording is a little skimpy about
> the concept, but the example[s] given do very well at illustrating the
> intended meaning.  eg, by just saying that hitler quotes are examples
> of entries that are not offensive, it leaves to ones ability to
> misunderstand or misinterpret, the reasoning behind hitler quotes not
> being offensive entries.    One really has to look at the other category
> to see that it does not fit in the, somewhat better described, offensive
> list category to pick up the reasoning for it being in the non-offensive
> list, eg, it ain't one of those so it must be one of these.
> So, I haven't yet thought of a good, adequately lean, but
> clarifying phrase,
> though if one comes to me I will submit it, but a clarifying phrase could
> well be included and the hitler example remain with it because it
> establishes
> a very strong case-in-point example.

The phrase "Hitler quotes" is also important because it establishes
that "Godwin's Law" applies here to the quote file.  In short, if
a particular fortune or quote is so objectionable to someone that they
feel they must make a comparison to Hitler, then automatically they
are wrong and the quote is considered by everyone else to NOT be
objectionable.  Godwin's Law works because Hitler is, essentially,
the equivalent of the Christian Judas, of the modern world.

The reality of it is that because Hitler and Nazism was so incredibly
horrible, it is a societal absolute that we must never forget the
Holocaust nor ever allow our descendents to forget it.  Hitler made
some incredible statements in his day - things that are so unbelievable
that no sane person could imagine someone making them - and so
repeating some of the most insane of those quotes is actually
societies way of remembering the Holocaust.

For example, a famous quote of Hitler's is:

"I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature."

Hitler actually believed this, and when people see it and read it,
the quote illustrates how much of an incredible monster that Hitler
really was far better than reams of text.  Thus, inclusion of it
in the fortune database is a public service - because it reminds
us once more when we read it of how warped and degenerate that
governments can really become.

Unfortunately, there are people like the original poster who,
just as Godwin's law shows - are so blind and knee-jerking that
they would close their eyes and refuse to read such a quote nor
understand it's true meaning - simply because they knew that
Hitler said it.  It is because of this reason, that the reference
to Hitler on that webpage was made.

Fundamentally, you have to be educated to understand it.  FreeBSD
is first and formost, for the educated computer user.


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