About Freebsd 7.0 versus 6.3

Kris Kennaway kris at FreeBSD.org
Thu Nov 8 12:35:52 PST 2007

Ivan Georgiev wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 19:27:58 +0000
> Matthew Seaman <m.seaman at infracaninophile.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Roland Smith wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 08, 2007 at 02:48:47PM -0300, Mario Lobo wrote:
>>>> Concerning this, I've "cvsuping" to 6-CURRENT on a dual-core desktop. The 
>>>> system is running well, but I'd really like to move up to 7. Can it be done 
>>>> through cvsup from 6.2-STABLE to 7-CURRENT or is it "wiser" to install from 
>>>> scratch? any upgrade gotchas/procedure ?
>>> It _can_ be done. (I've done it).
>>> First, make a list of all your ports (portmaster -L works fine for
>>> that). Then csup to RELENG_7. Then follow the instructions from
>>> /usr/src/Makefile (the bit about 'upgrade their source'). I've outlined
>>> the process below, with my own additions marked with lowercase letters
>>>  a.  Make backups
>>>  b.  Read /usr/src/UPDATING
>>>  1.  `cd /usr/src'       (or to the directory containing your source tree).
>>>  2.  `make buildworld'
>>>  3.  `make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'     (default is GENERIC).
>>>  4.  `make installkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'   (default is GENERIC).
>>>       [steps 3. & 4. can be combined by using the "kernel" target]
>>>  5.  `reboot'        (in single user mode: boot -s from the loader prompt).
>>>  6.  `mergemaster -p'
>>>  7.  `make installworld'
>>>  8.  `make delete-old'
>>>  9.  `mergemaster'
>>> 10.  `reboot'
>>>  c. `pkg_delete -a' (delete all your ports)
>>> 11.  `make delete-old-libs' (in case no 3rd party program uses them anymore)
>>>  d.  Reinstall all root and leaf ports. Dependencies will then be
>>>      installed automatically.
>> I went through this process myself in pretty much the order you
>> describe.  Due to bitter experience, I'd say that reinstalling
>> all ports should be done before 'make delete-old-libs' -- by
>> killing all the old 6.x shlibs you make it hard to run most
>> software previously installed under 6.x including such things as
>> 'portupgrade'...
>> You don't need to delete all the ports in one go and then reinstall
>> them in another: running 'portupgrade -fa' will do the job.  That can
>> take several days to complete if you've got a machine with OpenOffice,
>> Firefox, Thunderbird, Java, KDE, Gnome, X Windows etc. installed.   If
>> you're careful you can still keep various services running during that
>> time, restarting them one by one as the various applications get
>> upgraded.
>> 	Cheers,
>> 	Matthew
>> - -- 
>> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
>>                                                   Flat 3
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> You could have avoided the missing libs problem by 
> installing the misc/compat6x port. Its purpose is to 
> provide legacy 6.X libraries for apps to use.

No, the situation described is when your upgrade has failed to complete 
correctly and left you with binaries linked to an inconsistent mix of 
6.x and 7.x libraries (e.g. both versions of the C library in the same 
binary).  You cannot hope to hack around this at runtime.


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