DNS and IP

Olivier Nicole on at cs.ait.ac.th
Sun Nov 4 18:02:32 PST 2007


>  Of course, just   setup a virtual host in your httpd.conf file point 
> the dns to the same ip. Apache will take care of the rest.

To be a litthe bit more precise, in your Apache configuraton you need
something like:

ServerName www.first-server.com

ServerName www.second-server.com

BUT!!!! you will not be able to configure SSL on both sites, it will
be either one or the other. You need on distinct IP per site to
configure SSL.

Best regards,


> Brian Finniff wrote:
> > My question is, if you are running a website for 2 different people
> > on the Internet and they both wanted to acquire a domain but you
> > only have one IP address, would it be possible to forward each
> > domain to the same IP address and somehow each one becomes distinct?
> > If so, how is this possible? Can you explain to me how it can be
> > done.

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