Now it is ntpd that can't find anything
N.J. Thomas
njt at
Thu Nov 1 12:25:18 PDT 2007
* <jekillen at> [2007-10-31 16:08:10 -0800]:
> > > I set up ntpd on FreeBSD 6.2 and am getting complaints from ntpd
> > > that there is no route to such and such address. It gives what
> > > appears to be an interface card address.
> ntpq -p
> remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
> ==============================================================================
> 2610:1f8:d8:2:2 .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
> 2001:4830:1210: .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
> hydrogen.cert.u 2 u 10 64 3 13.909 -261.61 2.936
> pubts2-sj.witim 2 u 8 64 3 20.023 -256.60 2.883
> Here are the console messages:
> ntpd (706) send to(2610:1f8:d8:2:216:cbff:fea3:4b2e:) no route to host
> " " " (2001:4830:1210:0;280:10ff:fe00:48b9) "
> are these ipv6 addresses? Or are they expecting authentication and
> refusing connections?
The last two time servers seem to be communicating fine with your ntp
daemon. The bad ones look like IPv6 sites to me. What time servers do
you have listed in your ntp.conf file?
What is the output of "grep -i server /etc/ntp.conf"?
N.J. Thomas
njt at
Etiamsi occiderit me, in ipso sperabo
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