Locked Myself Out - Cannot "su"
Conrad J. Sabatier
conrads at cox.net
Mon May 28 01:15:47 UTC 2007
On Sun, 27 May 2007 19:17:20 -0400
Schiz0 <schiz0phrenic21 at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is one of those things where after you realize what you've done,
> you just want to smack yourself.
> I've been working on hardening my FreeBSD 6.2-Stable box. I disabled
> root login from everywhere, including the console (The box isn't
> physically secure, so I didn't want anyone screwing around). Now, me
> being stupid, didn't reboot after making all these changes to harden
> it. So I finally rebooted (With the secure level set to 2) and I found
> that I can't run "su." I get the following error:
> $ su -
> su: not running setuid
> I can't shutdown since I can't become root, so I pulled the plug and
> rebooted into single-user mode. I edited /etc/rc.conf and set
> kern_securelevel_enable="NO"
> I rebooted again, but for some reason I still get the same error for
> "su."
> So basically, I locked myself out of my box completely. I fail :-(
> su has the following permissions:
> -r-sr-xr-x 1 root wheel schg 12240 May 13 13:15 su
> And sudo isn't installed, unfortunately. Any ideas of how to get root
> back?
> Thanks!
First, you need to make sure that ttyv0 is *not* set to "insecure"
in /etc/ttys, so no login/password will be needed in single-user mode:
ttyv0 "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" cons25l1 on secure
This *should* allow you to use single-user mode once again as root.
Then, make sure that any user you want to have su capability is listed
in /etc/group under the "wheel" entry:
After that, any other problems you may encounter will have to be dealt
with as they arise. Post a followup if you still have trouble.
Conrad J. Sabatier <conrads at cox.net>
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