freebsd network fax server?
Thanos Rizoulis
apatewna at
Sat May 26 15:39:47 UTC 2007
O/H Anish Mistry έγραψε:
> On Thursday 24 May 2007, Dave wrote:
>> Hello,
> I've got a setup using HylaFAX.
The critical parts of the question about Hylafax are:
a) are you using hylafax server with windows clients? and if yes
b) what cliesnt software are you using to send faxes? (there are dosens
of them)
I am interested too in such a solution and I am stuck at what client to
select for windows based machines.
RTFM and STFW before anything bad happens
Thanos Rizoulis
Electronic Computing Systems Engineer
Larissa, Greece
FreeBSD/PCBSD user
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