"portmanager -s" deletes ports?

Heinrich Rebehn rebehn at ant.uni-bremen.de
Thu May 24 11:16:03 UTC 2007

Norberto Meijome wrote:
> On Wed, 23 May 2007 09:53:39 +0200
> Heinrich Rebehn <rebehn at ant.uni-bremen.de> wrote:
>> This is weird! A program that is supposed to show the *status* of 
>> installed ports should never arbitrarily *remove* ports. 
> I agree that is not clear why it is removing ports without warning. 
>> I consider this 
>> a severe bug. Luckily, this was on a server system where X11 is not 
>> crucial. I really don't want to imagine the hassle i would have had if 
>> portmanager had removed exim or apache or samba or ...
> I think the chances of that ever happening are pretty low - do you think any of
> them would get removed from ports?  The fact that xorg-manpages was being
> orphaned is clearly documented in kris@ entry in ports/UPDATING.
> the solution is simple, dont use that tool , at least in the form you are using
> it.

Program has a bug --> don't use it. Strange logic, but at least easier 
then filing a bug report ;-)


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