configuring network connection via proxy
Steve Bertrand
iaccounts at
Fri May 18 04:05:02 UTC 2007
> I need to plug my company laptop in to different networks many of which
> make use of some sort of proxy for accessing the internet. And every
> time I face this challenge of changing connection settings of different
> applications in many places. This is of course very inconvenient.
I think doc@ was not relevant, so I removed it...
Some 'sort of proxy' is not very descriptive. Can you describe exactly
the procedure you need to go through to access the 'Internet' while
connecting to one of these networks?
Is it as simple as using 'FoxyProxy' plugin with Firefox for instance?
Perhaps you mean that you need to tunnel out of a network into another
and run your Internet applications through that.
More description would be good, especially if you can give exact
examples of what you insert into "Internet Options" in IE.
> What I would like to be able to do is to change the connection settings
> regarding a proxy in one place and have it affect all my applications.
> Something like one can do in MS Windows via Internet Options
> (configuring proxy access). I checked our otherwise great Handbook but
> failed to find something covering this scenario. And I'm surprised as I
> expect this to be a rather common need. Have I missed something ?
> Could someone point me to any article covering my need please ?
The 'Great Handbook', as great as it is, doesn't cover exactly this.
Provide the settings you use in IE, what Internet browser you use whilst
running under FreeBSD, and what other Internet applications you want to
proxy as per your statement "all my applications".
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