Problems installing freeBSD 6.2 on older computer

Eric Mesa ericsbinaryworld at
Wed May 16 23:41:17 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Just acquired an old computer from someone and want to put freeBSD on

It's a dual processor P2 200 Mhz with 128 MB ram.  It has a DVD-ROM
and a floppy drive.  I was told by the former owner, who built it,
that the computer would not install the latest types of Linux installs
that required booting from CD.  He also told me that the BIOS cannot
be updated.  He's pretty knowledgeable about computers so I believe him.

Here's the procedure I've been following which has been failing for
two days now.....

1.  Use the boot floppy to boot from A: then floppies kern1-kern3
2.  After kern3 reinster boot then after hitting enter I get some
text, including
zf_read:  fill error

3.  It continues to the BSD Menu - I've tried nearly every option here
from Default to ACPI to safe mode to logging mode.
4.  it does the device probe - when it gets to the DVD-ROM, it prints out:
acd0:  FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00
5.  Then it gives me:

Manual root filesystem specification


I am stuck here no matter what I try.  This is driving me nuts!  If
anyone can help me with this I'd be eternally grateful.  Everything I
found on google either referenced burning a CD or disabling the Zip drive.

Oh, I know these CDs are good media because I've used them to install
freeBSD 3 times already.  Also, I have a commercial BSD CD from 4.5
and one from 5.0pre and neither of them work.


- --
Eric Mesa
ericsbinaryworld at
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