Best remote backup method?
Jerry McAllister
jerrymc at
Wed May 16 21:17:06 UTC 2007
On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 10:15:05PM +0200, Peter Schuller wrote:
> > I'm presently backing up two servers in a remote location to a usb drive
> > located elsewhere by using rsync over ssh (all three are FreeBSD boxes.)
> > After the recent discussion about dump, I'm wondering if I would gain
> > anything by using dump rather than rsync. Has anyone used both? Any
> > thoughts as to which is "better" and why?
> >
> > The rsync command I use is:
> > rsync -avz ${LOCALDIR} -e "ssh -i ${KEY}" ${REMOTEHOST}:${REMOTEDIR}
> Personally I never find dump/restore practical since I seldom want to
> backup entire filesystems for performance/diskspace reasons.
That is one reason I divide things up in to more partitions
and thus more specific filesystems. I can isolate the things I
want to back up regularly from those that do not need it.
> .....
> automatic rotation schemes with hourly/daily/etc you have to script that
> on top.
> --
> / Peter Schuller
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