Unable to mount HDD - Newbie question
Paul Schmehl
pauls at utdallas.edu
Mon May 14 16:33:16 UTC 2007
--On Monday, May 14, 2007 12:05:47 -0400 Jerry McAllister <jerrymc at msu.edu>
> On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 09:58:54AM -0600, Oscar Chavarria wrote:
>> ls /dev/da0s1
>> /dev/da0s1
> Again, please do not top post. It makes it very hard to have any
> idea what you are referring to. The entire context of the
> conversation gets lost.
> In this case, what do you mean?
> You just did an ls of a file name and found that it responsed
> with the file name. That is normal. So, what?
> Try doing ls /dev/da0s* and see what you get.
> Secondly, nowdays, the devfs system only makes devices that are
> in use and makes them on the fly. I haven't dug around in that
> since the change since it was changed from the old MAKEDEV system
> so I may be wrong, but I would not be surprised if /dev/da0s1d was
> not there until after things were fixed up.
> So, try the fsck as Mikhail suggested -- with the partition name.
I'm wondering if he shouldn't try umount /home first.
Paul Schmehl (pauls at utdallas.edu)
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas
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