Unable to mount HDD - Newbie question

Mikhail Goriachev mikhailg at webanoide.org
Mon May 14 15:32:26 UTC 2007

Oscar Chavarria wrote:
> I lost environmental power temporarily a few days ago, and when it was back
> (almost immediately), the machine restarted without any input from me.
> I had mounted to /home a 30 GB usb 2.0 hdd.
> I tried mounting again since I did not find it in df.
> The prompt is always "WARNING: /home was not properly dismounted.
> The output from dmesg is:
> da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
> da0: <HITACHI- DK23....> etc....
> WARNING: /home was not properly dismounted.

You have to fsck(8) that disc. Try the following before remounting:

# fsck -f /dev/da0s1d

Replace da0s1d accordingly (if necessary).

Hopefully it helps.


Mikhail Goriachev

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