Grant Peel
gpeel at
Sat May 12 00:51:30 UTC 2007
I have already set camcontrol to tell the system to stop using that part of the drive per the FAQ and Handbook:
AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld): 1
ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld): 1
But, it still tries to read the block in question (3abd5c1). It is always that same block, so the badness does not seem to be growing.Is there a way to diagnose what file it is trying to read? (perhaps I could remove that inode?)-Grant----- Original Message -----
From: Lowell Gilbert
To: Grant Peel
Cc: freebsd-questions at
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: camcontrol
"Grant Peel" <gpeel at> writes:
> I have a disk that may be going bad, SCSI.
> How do I tell camcontrol to stop using parts of the disk that show errors?
> such as:
> (da0:ahc0:0:1:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 3 ab d5 c1 0 0 e 0
> (da0:ahc0:0:1:0): MEDIUM ERROR info:3abd5c1 asc:11,1
> (da0:ahc0:0:1:0): Read retries exhausted sks:80,3f
Please see the FAQ entry on this topic.
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