Radeon 3D acceleration support

Chad Perrin perrin at apotheon.com
Fri May 4 19:27:43 UTC 2007

There seems to be a lot of conflicting information on the Web about 3D
acceleration support for Radeon graphics adapters.  What I've determined
with certainty so far is that I need to use the r300 driver with Mesa.
Precious little else is without contradiction between sources.  Two
approaches in particular strike me as the most clearly explained: either
install DRI/Mesa from the most recent sources or configure the kernel so
it doesn't use the Atheros and nForce binary drivers.

Does anyone here have any more specific or useful information than the
hodgepodge of flailing about I've found on the Web?  I'm using FreeBSD
6.2-RELEASE on a Thinkpad R52 with a Mobility Radeon X300 graphics
adapter.  Is the Mesa 5.0.2 currently in my ports tree sufficient to
support the r300 driver with 3D acceleration?  Is there some resource I
missed that goes into some detail on the subject?

I'd appreciate it if someone would point me in the right direction.

CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
Larry Wall: "A script is what you give the actors.  A program is what you
give the audience."

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