rebuilding the system
Neo [GC]
neo at
Thu May 3 12:25:29 UTC 2007
first you should get ALL sources. You can do this easily with cvsup.
In /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ you find a file called 'stable-supfile'.
Copy it to some location (/root for example) and edit it. All you have
to change is the line '*default'; just
chose a FreeBSD CVS-mirror near you. Below you find the line 'src-all',
this means you get all kernel and world sources. The line '*default
release=cvs tag=RELENG_6' points cvsup to the 6-STABLE branch.
Then do a 'cvsup stable-supfile' and wait some time...
Check out your /usr/src/, now you should have all files, including
UPDATE. Now you can do a 'make buildworld', but remember to cd first
into the /usr/src dir.
Dhananjaya hiremath schrieb:
> Hello sir,
> Here we installed the FreeBSD 6.2 release and did the check out operation.Now we want to di rebuild the system by using
> # make buildworld
> but it giving error as
> make: don't know how to make buildworld. Stop
> another thing is that my /usr/src/ dir has only gnu and etc, but in handbook it is written as check the UPDATING in the dir /src. But there is no such file.So now how to rebuild the system. We checked the FreeBSD handbook aslo we are not getting the correct answers from there.
> Thank U
> Regards
> Dhananjaya Hiremath
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