music-generator for FreeBSD?

Gary Kline kline at
Tue May 1 01:13:42 UTC 2007

On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 01:26:48AM +0200, Jona Joachim wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 08:47:51 -0700
> Gary Kline <kline at> wrote:
> > 
> > 	Guys,
> > 
> > 	This is a bit off-topic, but maybe somebody out there can
> > give me someclues.  Bearing in mind that I know zip about music
> > 	composition, is there a MIDI (or mp3 or other) toolkit that
> > would generate short background slices of music?  
> > 
> > 	Say that I wanted some jazzy melody for several seconds.  This
> > 	application would generate it.  Or a classical tune.  Last
> > night I found a possibly MIDI app for Windows; there were several that
> > 	Google found that  mentioned Linux but nothing panned out.
> > 
> > 	Anybod know?
> Take a look at Pure Data (audio/pd in the ports). I just found out
> about it. It doesn't really create jazz melodies but it such a great
> synthesizer. It allows you to arrange objects graphically, like
> oscillators and analog/digital converters and combine them to create
> sounds. It's a real graphical programming language.

	Ah,great...  I'll give this puppy a try.   I'm not opposed to
	learning yet-another-programming-language.  Just that I'm 
	thinking that at least *some*knowledhe of music theory is
	necessary.   Maybe not!


> Regards,
> Jona
> -- 
> "Und das Schönste daran ist, dass die Mehrzahl der Amerikaner durch die
> von Illuminaten gedeckten Terroranschläge so weit in Angst versetzt
> sein werden, dass sie darum betteln werden, kontrolliert zu werden, wie
> der Masochist nach der Peitsche wimmert." Hagbard Celine

  Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix

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