FreeBSD X11/GNOME/KDM issue

RW fbsd06 at
Thu Mar 29 23:35:31 UTC 2007

On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 12:51:16 -0700 (PDT)
Joseph Marah <marahkeh at> wrote:

> After install I looged in through GDM.  I saw everything
> KDE brought with it using GNOME interface and read the KDE mannual a
> bit.  Then I used the user administration tab and added myself as a
> user in addition to root. I also changed kde_enable = "YES"
> in /etc/rc.conf in place of  gdm_enable = "YES" hoping to be able to
> log back in using KDM.  

AFAIK KDE doesn't install a local rc.d script for KDM, so I'm
curious as to how you did that.

The FreeBSD hand book has a section on starting KDM ,and also on
starting KDE without a login manager, via startx.

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