Install with modified kernel?

Garrett Cooper youshi10 at
Wed Mar 28 04:54:28 UTC 2007

jekillen wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2007, at 4:35 PM, youshi10 at wrote:
>> On Tue, 27 Mar 2007, jekillen wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> Is it possible to install FreeBSD ( in this case v6.2 GENERIC
>>> RELEASE) with a modified kernel?
>>> I am having some network problems with an installation on ASUS N2M32
>>> WS pro (AMD64) mb.
>>> I want to try installing without fire wire emulation support, which
>>> means I have to modify the
>>> kernel to eliminate it. But if I install and then modify the Kernel,
>>> it will have made its mark.
>>> Please forgive me it this seems like a stupid question. It probably
>>> is but I just want to be
>>> certain.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Jeff K
>> Jeff,
>>     Of course you can! Please read this chapter in the handbook, which
>> describes the process in great detail:
>> <>.
>>     As for the "network problems", what exactly are you experiencing?
>> -Garrett
> Thanks for the response;
> it is encouraging:
> I originally thought that I could use the dual enet interfaces built
> into the motherboard, but found out that the
> Marvell interfaces are not supported in v6.2. I installed two Intel
> cards made to work in PCIe slots. I got them
> install and up and running according to ifconfig. I could ping em0 and
> not em1. is assigned
> em0 and is assigned em1. The fwe interface was listed by
> ifconfig between em0 and em1.
> I wanted to know how to get them to load in a different order to
> eliminate the possibility that fwe was inter
> fering somehow with em1. I ended up modifying the kernel to keep it from
> loading fwe at all. Still had the
> problem. I had gotten a reference from this list to driver and patch for
> Nvidia inet. I installed the patch
> and rebuilt the kernel and then installed the drivers. I left the Intel
> card installed and then had a total
> of four interfaces, nfe0 nfe1 em0 and em1. I could only ping one when
> they all were up and running
> according to ifconfig. I took the Intel cards out so I only had the two
> active interfaces, nfe0 and nfe1
> I could still only ping one, nfe0. This is all from local host from the
> shell with ping -c 1 (em0 and/or nfe0)
> and ping -c 1 (em1 and/ or nfe1). The same thing happens
> when I ping from another machine.
> Here is why I think that fwe might have caused the problem: When I first
> installed the system. that is the only
> interface that was offered for configuration by sysinstall. I am
> thinking that it may have some how set only
> one route from the shell to lo to the kernel to the interface and back.
> And fiddling with the interfaces has not
> changed that. First I will just try to re install the system with the
> Intel interfaces installed because I know they
> have adequate support. But I would like to disable fwe completely when I
> do this. Once the system is installed
> I can take out the Intel interface cards and install the patch and
> driver for the Nvidia interfaces again.
> I am thinking of writing a series of books vaguely along the lines of
> the For Dummies series, only I will
> call it "In the Trenches With" (pc hardware, javascript, php,
> networking, Apache configuration, Spam filtering
> etc etc etc, oh, and tech related mailing lists----no offense
> intended)--(I always was curious as to why some
> one would call a programming IDE 'Code Warrior' hence, "In The Trenches
> With.....".
> Jeff K

	Hehe.. fun... it appears that I probably got myself into a real mess
with the hardware I just purchased (ATI card, Soundblaster X-Fi card,
Asus motherboard full of nForce stuff :(..). Oh well, I've learned my
lesson I suppose *sign*.

	You should probably tell what you told me to the questions@ list
though. I'm not the only one in the freebsd community, ya know ;)?

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