Updating Bind & OpenSSL on 6.1-Stable/Release

Don O'Neil lists at lizardhill.com
Mon Mar 26 19:35:30 UTC 2007

Hi all...

  I'm having some difficulty updating OpenSSL 0.9.8e and Bind 9.3.4... I've
tried both the packages and the original source... The problem is this..

My bind install that came on the 6.1 installation runs from /usr/bin,
whereas both the package and the source want to run from /usr/local/bin...
Not usually a problem, but when I build it or install the package they both
complain about wanting a file 'named.conf', which I don't have and can't
seem to find an example version. My older version of bind 9.3.2 didn't have
this file.

OpenSSL wants to run from /usr/local/openssl, whereas my old version was in
/usr/bin, the source wants to run from /usr/local/ssl... In either case I
just linked the new location back to the old location and it seems to be
working ok.

My question is, where do I get the 'named.conf' file... I need to get my
bind updated for the security issues and why are the packages trying to
install into new locations? I would think that you could just install the
package and restart the service, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.

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