SOLVED: Re: Problems with "burncd" - cannot mount result on unix or windows

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at
Fri Mar 23 00:43:26 UTC 2007

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On Thursday, 22 March 2007 at 16:16:58 -0700, UCTC Sysadmin wrote:
> In looking at the documentation for "cdrecord", the examples showed
> a two-step process of making an ISO image then burning it.
> Here's my deal:
> NEVER HAVING BURNED a CD or DVD on FreeBSD before - I go to the
> documentation to FIND OUT HOW and there really is no HOW

You mention documentation above, but you don't say what you're
referring to.

> So I look in vain for
> "What you need to do in the kernel if anything to support burning CDs/DVDs"
> "What additional support libraries or software would be needed"
> "The stepwise process for burning CDs or DVDs"

What's wrong with the information in the handbook?

> So THE FAQ and/or HOWTO SUCKS, is the problem.

I see two problems, both of them different:

- You don't say what you read, and what you didn't understand about
- You didn't submit an update.

> If that offends purists,

I think what's more likely to offend is a complaint without
substantiation.  I'm not saying that there are no errors in the
documentation--of course there are--but how can we fix them (if they
exist) based on your rant?

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