Shared object "" not found

Leslie Jensen leslie at
Tue Mar 20 07:20:01 UTC 2007

Gerard Seibert wrote:
> FreeBSD-6.2
> After booting up my system, I receive an error message:
> Shared object "" not found
> This file should be in /usr/local/lib, but it isn't. I have no idea why.
> I can now only log in as root. Since I am not sure where this file even
> came from, I don't know how to replace it.
> I assume I don't have to reinstall the OS (I hope) so where do I go from
> here?
> Thanks!

I've just been through that! Reinstalling gettext won't solve this!

Take a look in

cd /usr/local/lib

And make a link
ln -s

Also read /usr/ports/UPDATING it says

   AFFECTS: users of devel/gettext (ie: YOU)
   AUTHOR: ade at

   As a result of the upgrade to gettext-0.16.1, the shared library version
   of libintl has changed, so you will need to rebuild all ports that
   depend on gettext (ie: most of them, sorry).

   portupgrade -rf gettext
   portmaster -r gettext


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