Corrupted OS
Jerry McAllister
jerrymc at
Fri Mar 16 15:31:55 UTC 2007
On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 07:16:33AM -0700, Drew Jenkins wrote:
> 2Kevin Kinsey <kdk at> wrote:> > synch your source to 6.2
> > >
> > > How? And is this necessary since it's already at 6.2?
> >
> > The command below, "cvsup -g -L 2 supfile". Assuming, of > course, that
> > the supfile is valid. Is it necessary? Depends; if you're convinced
> > that something is wrong with your current installation, then you might
> > not need to, because you can rebuild exactly the system that you
> > *should* have (for example, perhaps you fat-fingered a chmod or rm
> > call?).
Can you finally learn to break you lines at about 70 characters in length.
Having them run on long makes it much more difficult to make responses.
Most Email clients allow you to configure it to break lines. If yours
does not, just hit a a RETURN/ENTER about there each time.
> Yes. The system was working fine. The problem is with an extra HD I have that I told the server farm to check out thoroughly before installing it in the new server because I knew it had a problem. They said they did....and didn't. So that's what corrupted the system again...exactly the same way it did before, too. But yes, the system was working fine before I had data files on the HD in question linked to s/w on the SCSI hard drives.
That I don't quite get. If you are just adding a disk to your machine,
it is not likely to corript the rest of the system unless you execute
something on that disk. When you fdisk, bsdlabel and newfs it, it is
wiped and the previous contents are gone. If you precede that with
a nice dd to overwrite initial sectors with zeros, then it is even
more wiped before you even get to the fdisk.
Or are you trying to add this disk to a mirror in such a way that
the raid controller thinks it is the good disk and the other is
corrupt and tries to rebuild the mirror with the contents of the
added disk? That you don't want to do.
> > OTOH, if you are attempting to get "up to date" on security
> > fixes, etc., then you should read up on "the Cutting Edge" so that you
> > understand the CVS tags, and use cvsup as shown below.
> Well, it never hurts to get up to date on security, does it? Where do I find this cutting edge?
> > Be *certain* you
> > have the CVS tag you really want in the supfile before you press enter,
> > though.
> Will that be outlined in the cutting edge, or elsewhere?
> > Now, if you think that the system is corrupt because your source tree is
> > corrupt, then you would also want to sync your source tree. Of course,
> > why would it be corrupt? If a committer made an error, you'd probably
> > see some discussion of it on this list of the stable@ list.
> The HD zapped two data files--MySQL and a Zope instance Data.fs--and that's what caused the problem both times. I doubt this would have hurt the source tree. Your thoughts?
My thoughts are that something is happening that you haven't declared
yet. An HD does not go out and zap files. That is like saying one
book on a shelf skipped over and trashed the contents of another book
on a shelf.
The only ways that the new HD could be involved would be either if you
executed something on that disk or if it was being improperly
incorporated in to a mirror.
> ..<stuff about upgrading excised>..
> ...and I don't need this either, since I'm not doing mergmaster at all, right?
> mergemaster
> TIA,
> Drew
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