FreeBSD 2.2.9 / Installation problem

Ian Lord mailing-lists at
Fri Mar 16 12:59:14 UTC 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-questions at
[mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at] On Behalf Of Nino Ivanov
Sent: 16 mars 2007 07:07
To: 'Josh Paetzel'; freebsd-questions at
Cc: 'Kris Kennaway'
Subject: AW: FreeBSD 2.2.9 / Installation problem

I tried to send to freebsd-questions the following twice, and twice failed!:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I tried reaching

from my Windows XP machine, using Firefox, and it requires me to
input a username and a password. The same happens with IE7. I would like to
download old ISO images. Is this a bug, or is it some new regular behaviour,
and in any case, is there a way to download these images?

NetBSD archives work well, so it is not a problem in my machine I think.


Nino Ivanov

Lol :)

In Ie7, just click the "log on anonymously" checkbox and press login

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