Help installing "nasm"

Duane Hill d.hill at
Thu Mar 15 17:42:36 UTC 2007

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Robe wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m trying to install the Netwide Assembler (nasm) in such a way:
> # cd /usr/ports/devel/nasm
> # make
> But I get the following error:
> => Couldn’t fetch it – please try to retrieve this port manually into
> /usr/ports/distfiles/ and try again.
> *** Error code 1
> I’m using the stable version 6.1
> And I’m behind a proxy. What can I do?

I've received the same error a few times in the past. It was caused by the 
fact my computer didn't have its NIC configured correctly to establish a 
connection to the Internet. Could be the same in your case.

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