Don't buy AMD products (was Re: Xorg and ATI card query.)

Jack Vogel jfvogel at
Tue Mar 13 21:09:02 UTC 2007

On 3/13/07, Jeremy Chadwick <koitsu at> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 02:58:34PM -0500, Nikolas Britton wrote:
> > We need to start hounding on AMD to publish the developer
> > documentation for all radeon chipsets. I for one will not buy any AMD
> > or ATI components until they decide to fix the problem.
> >
> > Here's the email address of AMD's president: dirk.meyer at
> >
> > Give him your two cents.
> Boycotting their hardware due to lack-of public developer docs is
> extreme but justified.  Everyone has the right to do that if they
> desire.
> But in my opinion, mailing the president of AMD is really not the way to
> go about this.  That methodology invites angry people sending him
> flames, which does nothing but destroy the image of a mature, reliable
> open-source community.
> Besides, chances are it's not Meyer who's making these decisions (re:
> proprietary hardware / NDA-only documentation), but a few select
> individuals at ATI who are fuelled off of paranoia (the most common
> defence being fear nVidia/other competitors will "steal their
> technology").  Really sounds like the decision of a legal dept. and not
> a CEO.

Right, flaming never helps, but then I don't think the intention was to
have anyone flame, 'raising awareness' is a better goal :)

AMD has people that work on Linux (I interviewed with them some
years back), maybe using that route to get to the decision makers?



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