No matter what I try I can't get Nvidia 3d acceleration to work. Please help!

Norbert Papke fbsd-ml at
Tue Mar 13 16:43:49 UTC 2007

On Monday 12 March 2007 20:58, sean at wrote:
> I'm actually having the same problem, but after I took out device agp out
> of my kernel. And I still cannot start x with nvidia driver.
> It complains that /dev/nvidiactl couldn't be opened. And then it says it
> failed to load the kernel module.

It seems that the graphics card is not detected.  Does 

'pciconf -l | grep nvidia'

show anything?

What model is it?  If it is an older card, you may need the older version of 
the NVIDIA driver.

> sysctl -a | grep nvidia
> hw.nvidia.version: NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  1.0-9746  Tue Dec 19
> 13:20:59 PST 2006
> hw.nvidia.registry.EnableVia4x: 0
> hw.nvidia.registry.EnableALiAGP: 0
> hw.nvidia.registry.NvAGP: 1
> hw.nvidia.registry.EnableAGPSBA: 0
> hw.nvidia.registry.EnableAGPFW: 0
> hw.nvidia.registry.SoftEDIDs: 1
> hw.nvidia.registry.Mobile: 4294967295
> hw.nvidia.registry.ResmanDebugLevel: 4294967295
> hw.nvidia.registry.FlatPanelMode: 0
> hw.nvidia.registry.DevicesConnected: 0
> hw.nvidia.registry.RmLogonRC: 1
> hw.nvidia.registry.DetectPrimaryVga: 1
> hw.nvidia.registry.dwords:

For comparison, here is my output.  Note that  there are card specific 

# sysctl -a | grep nvidia
       nvidia   603  1293K       -    38844  
nvidia0: <GeForce 7600 GS> port 0xbc00-0xbc7f mem 
0xfd000000-0xfdffffff,0xc0000000-0xcfffffff,0xfc000000-0xfcffffff irq 16 at 
device 0.0 on pci3
nvidia0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
hw.nvidia.version: NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module  1.0-9746  Tue Dec 19 
13:20:59 PST 2006
hw.nvidia.registry.EnableVia4x: 0
hw.nvidia.registry.EnableALiAGP: 0
hw.nvidia.registry.NvAGP: 1
hw.nvidia.registry.EnableAGPSBA: 0
hw.nvidia.registry.EnableAGPFW: 0
hw.nvidia.registry.SoftEDIDs: 1
hw.nvidia.registry.Mobile: 4294967295
hw.nvidia.registry.ResmanDebugLevel: 4294967295
hw.nvidia.registry.FlatPanelMode: 0
hw.nvidia.registry.DevicesConnected: 0
hw.nvidia.registry.RmLogonRC: 1
hw.nvidia.registry.DetectPrimaryVga: 1
hw.nvidia.registry.dwords: GeForce 7600 GS 16 PCI-E
dev.nvidia.0.%desc: GeForce 7600 GS
dev.nvidia.0.%driver: nvidia
dev.nvidia.0.%location: slot=0 function=0
dev.nvidia.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x10de device=0x0392 subvendor=0x3842 
subdevice=0xc547 class=0x030000
dev.nvidia.0.%parent: pci3

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