getting mail to work

Bill Moran wmoran at
Sun Mar 11 16:12:28 UTC 2007

"Ed Zwart" <ed.zwart at> wrote:
> I use freebsd on an older computer in my home network to run a
> webserver, a few web apps (bugzilla, tikiwiki), and samba.  I just
> installed postfix via the ports collection so I can use the mail
> functionality of bugzilla.
> Bugzilla does its part correctly; I can see the message in the mailq,
> but all messages time out.  From the postfix site, I learned about the
> MTU black hole issue (
> After spending some time messing both with my bsd machine's hostname
> and my home network gateway's settings (domain name and mtu size), I
> got nowhere.
> But then I read somewhere (sorry, I don't have the reference) that the
> handshake that goes on between my MTA and the destination machine
> includes a check that I'm not spoofing a domain that I don't control.
> Makes sense!  So, I figured that I don't have an MTU problem at all,
> but a hostname/domain name problem.
> What I'm a little weak on is understanding is this...
> I own  I've paid a hoster for the last couple years,
> but that's ending in a week or so.  Meanwhile, I've used dyndns to
> point to my IP.
> Originally, I had left the gateway's domain as the default (something
> based on my isp's domain), and set the bsd machine's hostname to
>  But that's why mail was failing (I think) because
> dns was reporting that was not the same as my IP.  Is
> this correct?
> Also, what are valid entries then for hostname then?  Anything I want,
> as long as it's not some domain already known in the dns?  Does it
> matter if I change my "domain" name on my LAN router?
> Finally, what I'd really like to do is just manage all this myself.
> I'm not providing any services to anyone but myself.  (I don't have
> users, and don't need to receive mail.)  My plan had been to pay
> dyndns to handle pointing to for me, but now I'm
> wondering if I can't just do that too. So, last question: does setting
> up dns on my bsd box mean I can propogate my IP for
> myself?

First, you need to figure out what the problem is.  You're making a lot
of guesses right now.

However, I would suspect that your best bet would be to specify that all
outgoing mail routes through your ISP.  Their MTA should be configured to
allow all mail from their customers to be sent.  In postfix, define
the relayhost parameter to be your ISP's outgoing server.

Bill Moran

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