searching archives broken?

Ed Zwart ed.zwart at
Sat Mar 10 23:20:31 UTC 2007

Thanks Randy, I use google's advanced search all the time!

The trouble with limiting to is that it's a bigger search
space than just this list's archive.  I've been reading the freebsd
handbook for quite some time, and have learned a lot there.

But I've got a few dots left that need connecting that I think you all
will be able to set me straight on very quickly.  So, I'm off to start
another thread on what I really came here for...

(but making the archive search work would be great still!)


On 3/10/07, Randy Pratt <bsd-unix at> wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Mar 2007 12:51:03 -0800
> "Ed Zwart" <ed.zwart at> wrote:
> > Hi there, I'm new to the list, and have been trying to search the
> > archives at  No
> > matter what I search for, I get no results (even one-word searches
> > that should definitely have hits; eg, 'mail', 'hostname', etc).
> >
> > I want to search the archives before asking the group, but the archive
> > is way too large to make browsing feasible.  Is search broken, or am I
> > missing something?
> I use google to search the FreeBSD site.  Do your google search
> as usual but add "" at the end and it limits the
> searches to
> Other operators can be used for google also:
> HTH some,
> Randy
> --

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