Advice on IDS & co.

Roger Olofsson raggen at
Sat Mar 10 14:48:08 UTC 2007

Hello David,

I've been using chkrootkit and it's fairly simple. Aide is a more free 
version of Tripwire and you might want to look at Snort. Both are in the 
ports tree. I suppose you have a firewall like IPFilter or PF already?

I've been keeping an eye out for a really slick syslogfile analyzer, I'd 
be grateful for any tips on something in that direction.

Good luck!

David Schulz skrev:
> Hello all,
> I would like to know what you guys think about chkrootkit, rkhunter and 
> tripwire.
> I am considering adding them on my Server for some added Security. I am 
> aware, the holy grail would be to really dive into Jails, and the 
> macframework, but still i would like to have some opinions on those 
> mentioned Tools. Also, if you have other neat tricks to add some 
> security to a Server, do tell.
> Thank you very much and best regards,
> David
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