
Kevin Kinsey kdk at
Wed Mar 7 12:28:24 UTC 2007

Paulette McGee wrote:
> --- Johannes Ambrose <j.ambrose at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to install an application (vmware tools)
>> and I get as far as:
>> Setup is unable to find the "lsmod" program on your
>> machine. Please make
>> sure 
>> it is installed. Do you want to specify the location
>> of this program by
>> hand?
>> It seems there is no lsmod, modprobe, or any other
>> related tools. How
>> can I install these? 
>> Regards,
>> Johannes
> Hello Johannes,
> There is no lsmod, modprobe et al; however there are
> similar tools like: kldstat, kldload, etc.  Here is
> some additional information that might prove useful.
> Regards,
> Paulette McGee

Which begs the question *why* he's having this problem ... <?>

Johannes, are you installing via the ports tree, or trying to install 
"from scratch"?

Kevin Kinsey
If I knew what brand [of whiskey] he drinks,
I would send a barrel or so to my other generals.
		-- Abraham Lincoln, on General Grant

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