Sun, Java stuff...

Gary Kline kline at
Tue Mar 6 02:14:53 UTC 2007

	Unless I was dreaming, I seem to recall that Sun Micro was
	dropping its claims to things-Java a few weeks ago.  If true, 
	why it it still so difficult to find the ports/packages/binaries
	for the Java suites we've got?  I had to google around to find
	the tzupdate zip file; what was in the diablojdk15 port didn't
	jibe with reality.  wget failed, &c.  

	I haven't seen anything on this list if it's been discussed. 
	Anybody clue me in?  or is this some sort of thing that has to be
	"**lawyered**" ...?


  Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix

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