Bluetooth problems
vdemart1 at
Mon Mar 5 20:56:00 UTC 2007
I'm unable to use a bluetooth connection between my fbsd 6.2 laptop and my
Nokia cell . As you can see below I can l2ping the cell but not other
connection are possible. Also the Nokia cell fails to connect to the new
device, the laptop, even though it perceives the device.
Could you please give a helpful hand to this absolute bluetooth beginner?
# BD_ADDR Name [ alias0 alias1 ... ]
# 00:11:22:33:44:55 phone
00:12:d2:65:c2:03 NokiaVic
% kldstat
Id Refs Address Size Name
1 32 0xc0400000 48fd20 kernel
2 1 0xc0890000 3224 splash_bmp.ko
3 1 0xc0894000 5528 vesa.ko
4 1 0xc095a000 435c acpi_video.ko
5 3 0xc095f000 61bc0 acpi.ko
6 1 0xc09c1000 aed4 cpufreq.ko
7 1 0xc09cc000 4a2c acpi_ibm.ko
8 1 0xc09d1000 7ea4 ng_ubt.ko
9 6 0xc09d9000 d6dc netgraph.ko
10 1 0xc35ac000 7000 linprocfs.ko
11 1 0xc35b3000 6000 procfs.ko
12 2 0xc35b9000 6000 pseudofs.ko
13 2 0xc35c0000 19000 linux.ko
14 1 0xc35d9000 4000 sysvshm.ko
15 1 0xc35e2000 5000 sysvsem.ko
16 1 0xc35f5000 4000 sysvmsg.ko
17 1 0xc36db000 2000 rtc.ko
18 1 0xc4064000 3000 wlan_wep.ko
19 1 0xc4068000 e000 if_iwi.ko
20 2 0xc4076000 3000 firmware.ko
21 1 0xc4082000 30000 iwi_bss.ko
22 4 0xc40ce000 2000 ng_bluetooth.ko
23 1 0xc40d0000 d000 ng_hci.ko
24 1 0xc40dd000 f000 ng_l2cap.ko
25 1 0xc40fc000 19000 ng_btsocket.ko
26 1 0xc411d000 4000 ng_socket.ko
% mc
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request NokiaVic
BD_ADDR: NokiaVic
Name: NokiaVic
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request 00:12:d2:65:c2:03
Status: Page timeout [0x4]
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request NokiaVic
BD_ADDR: NokiaVic
Name: NokiaVic
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list
Remote BD_ADDR Handle Type Mode Role Encrypt Pending Queue State
% /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start ubt0
BD_ADDR: 00:11:f6:07:cb:b8
Features: 0xff 0xff 0x8f 0xfe 0x9b 0xf9 00 0x80
<3-Slot> <5-Slot> <Encryption> <Slot offset>
<Timing accuracy> <Switch> <Hold mode> <Sniff mode>
<Park mode> <RSSI> <Channel quality> <SCO link>
<HV2 packets> <HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD>
<Paging scheme> <Power control> <Transparent SCO data>
Max. ACL packet size: 384 bytes
Number of ACL packets: 8
Max. SCO packet size: 64 bytes
Number of SCO packets: 8
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list
Remote BD_ADDR Handle Type Mode Role Encrypt Pending Queue State
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request NokiaVic
Status: Page timeout [0x4]
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci inquiry
Inquiry result, num_responses=1
Inquiry result #0
BD_ADDR: NokiaVic
Page Scan Rep. Mode: 0x1
Page Scan Period Mode: 0x2
Page Scan Mode: 00
Class: 50:02:0c
Clock offset: 0x3d19
Inquiry complete. Status: No error [00]
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request 00:12:d2:65:c2:03
BD_ADDR: NokiaVic
Name: NokiaVic
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci read_connection_list
Remote BD_ADDR Handle Type Mode Role Encrypt Pending Queue State
% l2ping -a NokiaVic
0 bytes from NokiaVic seq_no=0 time=2264.361 ms result=0
0 bytes from NokiaVic seq_no=1 time=94.771 ms result=0
0 bytes from NokiaVic seq_no=2 time=52.969 ms result=0
0 bytes from NokiaVic seq_no=3 time=59.167 ms result=0
0 bytes from NokiaVic seq_no=4 time=49.362 ms result=0
% l2control -a 00:12:d2:65:c2:03 read_channel_list
l2control: Could not bind socket, bdaddr=00:12:d2:65:c2:03: Network is down
% l2control -a NokiaVic read_channel_list
l2control: Could not bind socket, bdaddr=00:12:d2:65:c2:03: Network is down
% btsockstat
% /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth stop ubt0
% /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start ubt0
BD_ADDR: 00:11:f6:07:cb:b8
Features: 0xff 0xff 0x8f 0xfe 0x9b 0xf9 00 0x80
<3-Slot> <5-Slot> <Encryption> <Slot offset>
<Timing accuracy> <Switch> <Hold mode> <Sniff mode>
<Park mode> <RSSI> <Channel quality> <SCO link>
<HV2 packets> <HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD>
<Paging scheme> <Power control> <Transparent SCO data>
Max. ACL packet size: 384 bytes
Number of ACL packets: 8
Max. SCO packet size: 64 bytes
Number of SCO packets: 8
% btsockstat
% l2control -a 00:12:d2:65:c2:03 read_channel_list
l2control: Could not bind socket, bdaddr=00:12:d2:65:c2:03: Network is down
% /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start ubt0
BD_ADDR: 00:11:f6:07:cb:b8
Features: 0xff 0xff 0x8f 0xfe 0x9b 0xf9 00 0x80
<3-Slot> <5-Slot> <Encryption> <Slot offset>
<Timing accuracy> <Switch> <Hold mode> <Sniff mode>
<Park mode> <RSSI> <Channel quality> <SCO link>
<HV2 packets> <HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD>
<Paging scheme> <Power control> <Transparent SCO data>
Max. ACL packet size: 384 bytes
Number of ACL packets: 8
Max. SCO packet size: 64 bytes
Number of SCO packets: 8
% l2control -a NokiaVic read_channel_list
l2control: Could not bind socket, bdaddr=00:12:d2:65:c2:03: Network is down
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request 00:12:d2:65:c2:03
Status: Page timeout [0x4]
% hccontrol -n ubt0hci remote_name_request NokiaVic
Status: Page timeout [0x4]
% l2control -a NokiaVic read_channel_list
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