slice/booting problem

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at
Fri Mar 2 21:48:32 UTC 2007

On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 03:12:55PM -0500, J. W. Ballantine wrote:

> I have a two disk system, and I'm trying to install FBSD6.2 on slice 2
> of the second disk, a configuration that I've had working in the past.
> I'm using the Standard installation, select the second disk (ad1)
> and create a slice (ad1s2) and then create the partitions within
> that slice.  On that disk, I install the FreeBSD Boot Manager (I have
> a third party boot manager installed on ad0 that boots FreeBSD).
> During the install, I ls /dev and find the ad1s2 partitions created.
> After the install, when I try to re-boot, it fails when it trys to
> mountroot.  When I enter ?, I get a listr of GEOM managed disks, but
> the partitions are not listed, while the slice is. 
> Any ideas on what I'm missing???

Just a wild guess:  That either the first or second disk didn't
really get an MBR written to it - or the third party boot manager
on the first disk might not play nicely with the one on the second 
Try using fdisk (from the install CD fixit if necessary) to write 
the FreeBSD MBR to both disks.   You can put the other third party 
booter back afterward if desired/needed.


> Thanks
> Jim Ballantine
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