Backspace key "<-" not mapping to ^H

youshi10 at youshi10 at
Thu Mar 1 00:06:12 UTC 2007

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007, Gary Kline wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 03:39:41PM -0800, youshi10 at wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Feb 2007, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> 	[[ yelps of various sorts about "STUFF" ]]
>> You can set the default terminal in gnome to be xterm instead of Gnome
>> Terminal. Gnome then wraps xterm in a program they call "Terminal" which
>> you can setup to your liking using the preferences accessible from the menu.
>> That's what I meant. Just relaying my experience because I had a similar
>> problem recently with Suse.
>> -Garrett
> 	Too bad there isn't some sort of web database for these sorts of
> 	miscellany with tags like (vi backspace-failure term) that would
> 	aide the search and solution for these type questions.  This may
> 	be one of Google's aims, but there are miles to go....
> 	gary

Someone (Chuck Swiger I believe?) posted a modded .Xresources file as a solution  to my terminal issue a few weeks back; it modified the behavior of Xterm to meet his needs, but it wasn't quite what I wanted/needed though. I found the gnome terminal solution, but maybe the solution he provided me would be helpful for you?


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