nvidia driver on amd64

Dick Hoogendijk dick at nagual.nl
Thu Jun 14 13:03:08 UTC 2007

Garrett Cooper <youshi10 at u.washington.edu> writes:

> Dick Hoogendijk wrote:

>> I have used FreeBSD for years and still hate to see this lack of
>> support by others :-(

> Again, read my response and do some research before you blame
> nVidia.

Blame nVidia.. Can you tell me why there's no 64bits nVidia driver for
FreeBSD? I know there is a 32bits one. I used it on fbsd too. It used
to need special settings (agp). Use of nvidia driver comes first hand,
so what kind of research do you mean?

If I upgrade my solaris box it starts 64bits on AMD or 32bits on a 32b
machine. Including Xorg-7.2; including the nVidia driver (all 64bits).
You can download it on the nVidia site. But not for FreeBSD.  And
that's what I 'hate' (like I wrote). What's the fault in that
reasoning? Linux and solaris are better supported and that's a pity.

> The nv driver works better than the vesa driver IMO -- it provides
> much better 2D support than the vesa driver.

Absolutely. But nVidia beats the hell out of the nv driver.

Dick Hoogendijk -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ http://nagual.nl/ + Solaris 11 05/07 ++

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