cannot select arts

Jonathan Horne freebsd at
Tue Jun 12 23:52:00 UTC 2007

cc: freebsd-questions:

i have 2 systems, both FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p5, both KDE 3.5.6.  one system was 
built from ports (which for you non bsd'rs, is like building from sources), 
and one system i configured using pre-built packages from the FreeBSD 
packages-6-stable directory.

the system i built myself from ports, all multimedia apps are working properly 
with arts.  anything that would need to select arts as the output plugin, can 
(ie, amarok, mplayer).

my other system which i built from the packages, has the same arts pieces 
installed as my properly working station, but none of the multimedia apps 
regocnoze this, and arts is not a selection in the drop downs.  when i open a 
terminal on both stations and type 'arts[tab]', the exact same set of 
executable binaries shows up in the choice of autocompletions.  this system, 
will play sounds (ie, logon, errors), but apps that specifically want arts 
wont work at first.  if i get into all the places i can, and select OSS sound 
system, amarok will work for one session, but when i restart everything, back 
to square one.

is there somewhere in kde that i can specify that i want arts to be an 
available option to multimedia apps?

Jonathan Horne
freebsd at

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