problem in installing OpenOffice

Norberto Meijome freebsd at
Tue Jun 5 12:53:37 UTC 2007

On Tue, 5 Jun 2007 05:50:40 -0400
"Jim Capozzoli" <saltmiser at> wrote:

> Can't you just download the java jre/jdk from the foundation's website
> and pkg_add it by hand?  That's what I've always done and never had
> any real need to pkg_add -r javavmwrapper as well
> though.  Or is this some other strange java that openoffice
> requires...

this should work just fine - i have OO2.2 (from package) using diablo-jdk (from package) with no problem at all.

(and, for what is worth, linux-jdk-blackdown for linux-firefox <G> No conflicts between them at all).


{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

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  Albert Einstein

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